• I recently caught this on TCM for the umpteenth time and was amazed at how well it holds up after over 50 years. Yes, its dated in its style and acting, but it still packs a punch and is entertaining as hell! I wont bother to mention the plot as everyone else has described it well enough. A 50's mother begins to realize her perfect little daughter isn't what she seems. And on a parallel plane, she also comes to realize her own past is not what it seems. And when these 2 plot arcs finally merge, you have one hell of a climax. Director Mervyn LeRoy made the decision to film this as the staged play it once was. There were few attempts to open it up and few close ups. The film is composed of mostly medium shots. Most of the Broadway cast was also imported for the film and act accordingly (to the upper balcony). Particularly lead Nancy Kelly as the put upon mom. Her hand wringing/chest beating performance is over the top, yet it works wonderfully in this 50s setting. It's too bad the censors made them change the ending. But even the changed ending packs its own wallop. This piece of Eisenhower Americana (turned on its head), hints at the tumultuous 60s decade ahead. There are wonderful bits by Eileen Heckart, hilarious and heartbreaking almost simultaneously as the drunken, grieving Hortense Daigle (who came up with that name? LOL) and Henry Jones as the mentally challenged handyman (who catches on quite quickly to the goings on when the so-called smarter characters are still clueless); Evelyn Varden as the nosy, psychoanalyzing landlady, and of course, Patty McCormack giving one of the most chilling portrayals of childhood mayhem ever put on screen. Alex North's score helps the proceedings immeasurably. As an artifact of the 50s and precursor of many film genres since, this movie is hard to beat! Even the tacked on Let's Meet the Cast (It's Only A Movie!) epilogue cant spoil it. It's a great ride.