• Warning: Spoilers
    Dark skies was a well made sci-fi TV serial from the mid 1990's It incorporated all of the (then) state-of-the-art special effects but, being a TV series, had ample time to develop the plot and characters as well. There wasn't that rushed (and botched) appearance of so many Hollywood movies of the genre.

    The programme was itself set in the 1960's. This made it contemporaneous with the - at the time - extremely spooky 'The Invaders', and might almost be considered an update. Placement was very well realised. 1960's nuances were believably reprised. But, as I say, it was made in the 1990's and had access to the kind of modern horror effects that were simply unimaginable 30 years before. Very likely, they wouldn't have been acceptable on American television back then.

    Unfortunately, it had that other problem that afflicted 'The Invaders': it just went on for too darn long. As is so often the case with American TV, the story was like the yellow brick road. The media seem just too eager to maximise investment return. So instead of a clearly defined and measurable end-game, the series just kept going until it became a sci-fi soap opera.

    I don't know how it ended, because it outlived my interest. If their accountants had accepted a specific investment return, and the project had run for (say) 10 clearly defined episodes, this would have been an absolute classic. But money talks. And in the American media it seems to use a bullhorn.