• Warning: Spoilers
    It is curious to me that it is not the first film that is not in the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, it is this sequel, but I suppose I can agree with that in part, from star and director Jackie Chan. Basically it continues where the previous film left off, where the pirate Captain (Sam Pou) was killed by marine police officer Dragon Mao (Chan), and the rest of the bad guys want to get revenge. Dragon himself meanwhile has been transferred to Sai Wan to take over from Superintendent Chun (David Lam), but of course he has a good record. Later they meet flower selling Yesan (Maggie Cheung), with her cousin Beattie/Carina (Carina Lau) who is a member of the Chinese revolutionaries headed by Dr Sun Yat-sen. I just know that there is some kind of thing involving police accepting bribes, gangsters and more pirates, Imperial agents, and Dragon in the middle of it not making the Police Commissioner (Bill Tung) very happy with his occasional mistakes. The pirates, and possibly the gangsters with them, do manage to catch Dragon a few times and try to get rid of him, but his fighting skills obviously help him to escape and save the day in the end. Also starring Rosamund Kwan as Miss Pak, Sam Lui as Mr. Man, Regina Kent as Regina, Governor's Daughter, Yao Lin 'Charlie' Chen as Awesome Wolf, Kenny Ho as Shi King, Mars as Jaws, Ben Lam as Brawns and Mickey as Cobra. Chan is again fantastically skilled in the action sequences, filled with great Kung Fu moves and surprising stunts, you even see the repeated best bits of the previous film and ending outtakes, I may not have understood the story, but for the fights and comedy, this was a fun martial arts adventure. Jackie Chan was number 41 on The 100 Greatest Movie Stars. Good!