• To his credit Russell Crowe has made a living portraying many different characters. Regardless, it's interesting to watch this Thespian ply his trade. This movie is called " Tenderness " written by Robert Cormier and directed by John Polson. It tells the story of Eric Poole (Jon Foster) a deranged killer who murdered his family and was sent to prison. Time has passed and on his 18th birthday, Poole has been set free. Suspecting, Poole is still a danger to society, police Lt. Cristofuoro (Russell Crowe), now retired decides to follow him to his next victim. Among the several groupies who wrote to the killer, is Lori (Sophie Traub) an unsuspecting girl who is fascinated with the killer. Maria (Alexis Dziena) is another potential victim. The movie is marked with tension, dark drama and skilled excitement, enough to make it worthwhile entertainment. Crowe is in good character as a grieving policeman who's wife lays in near catatonic coma, while he trails his quarry. ***