• This mini-series, while interesting and entertaining, need be viewed with an appropriate helping of salt in that there are great liberties taken in regard to "actual" historical events. While I have always had a great respect and admiration for Robert Kennedy, and the huge part he played in the Kennedy administration, that role is, I believe, vastly "overblown" in "The Kennedys". He is depicted as leading his "drug debilitated" brother through several National crises, which seem contrary to historic records of the time, and portray President Kennedy as weak and indecisive. I can see now why some have objected to this "Play" being broadcast on the History Channel, for fear it would be mistaken for a documentary instead of the work of fiction it is. Greg Kinnear was outstanding in his recreation of JFK as was Barry Pepper's RFK. I thought Katie Holmes' portrayal of Jackie to be weak and flawed however. Overall though, I thought "The Kennedys" a good movie, viewed for what it is; fiction.