• Under Anthony Mann's direction, this film called " The Glenn Miller story " is as close to the heart as can be when retracing the life of the great American composer. From first to last, the story is well written and with the added talents as James Stewart who plays Glenn Miller, Harry Morgan as Chummy MacGregor and George Tobias, the true persona of the American Band Leader shines clear. Because they worked so well together, June Allyson once again portrays, Miller's wife Helen Berger Miller adding both her voice and sympathetic appeal. The movie tells the story from the beginning when Miller was nearly destitute, but forever struggling to find that 'Special Sound' until he eventually found when he formed his own band. Shadowing his life is that inescapable sound of Glenn Miller and his orchestra which accompanies the movie and one is hard pressed not to recall the highlighted tunes such as 'Moonlight Seranade' and 'In The Mood.' The overall effect of Miller's tunes are what gives this homage to his time and era, allowing audiences to remember the man and his music. Exceptional rendition of his life and times. Easilly recommended to all. ****