• Warning: Spoilers
    Let me start out first by saying that I am a science fiction nut. I grew up on it and it is the only genre which I consistently read, so naturally when I first heard of this film, I was intrigued. It's a smart scifi film set in what is relatively the real world that doesn't rely on bloated special effects or transforming robots lit by sunflares.

    That however, may also be its biggest detractor in this day and age of pathetic youtube videos getting 40,000,000 hits due to their banality and Snookie becoming a household name. But that's another story entirely.

    This is a film that deals with the Many Worlds Theory of Quantum Mechanics and mish mashes it with a romance. That too may be its detractor here (at least on IMDb) where most users seem to be teenage boys...that like robots lit by sunflares and Megan Fox's navel.

    Anyway, this is a film that deals with a young accountant (at least that's what I think he was) who seems to be jumping between different versions of his life. Brandon Slagle (who comes across a bit like an indie cinema Matt Damon) gives this character an array of levels. Lukas Reyes is your young everyman who really could be anyone who lives in the same building as you do. He also portrays a "Reverse" version of the character, who comes across more like a character out of a horror film (likely due to his filmography). Andrea Chen is the woman of his dreams who is lost between world. An interesting presence, she seems like an echo of a dream. Dee Martin portrays the best friend and Devanny Pinn the woman whom Lukas married in another life, who gets stuck in the version of his life which the story follows. Andrew Roth portrays a character named "Sarosta" who heads up what seems to be a task force called "the Knowers" which polices the parallel worlds and makes sure they don't overlap. If they do, he says, it creates an imbalance that could destroy time.

    This is a decent film, and likely due to its lack of marquee names and competition from such big budget fare as the Adjustment Bureau and Inception, your casual moviegoer may overlook this film and write it off quickly. Hopefully with time it can find its audience, because there is a multilayered story to be told here.

    A side note..another reviewer here posted that they didn't believe Lukas Reyes's reactions to his situation were "realistic". I found this humorous as I assume the reviewer must have also been trapped hopping different versions of their life too. Funny.