• This is a pleasant but basically forgettable musical from a decade that produced far better. The performers are all talented and have done much better elsewhere; they are not to blame. The script is basically boring, and the title very misleading: only the last 15 minutes or so of the movie takes place in Paris. And when it does, it's all painted backdrops. We never really get to Paris.

    What I found interesting was the post-WW II notion that Americans are very up-tight, especially sexually, and that a trip to Paris could do wonders to loosen them up. (This idea is well presented in the great 1948 Billy Wilder movie, "A Foreign Affair," though there Paris is not the answer, it's just getting out of the American mindset and encountering Europeans.) One of the bright spots of the movie is Doris Day's dance-and-sing number on the ship, "I'm gonna ring the bell tonight," when she encounters the "joie de vivre" of the French crew on the ocean liner and starts to loosen up herself.

    For what it's worth, the setting for this number seems to have been taken from a Jane Powell movie from four years before, *Luxury Liner*. Jane's character does an interesting - but not as interesting - number in the kitchen of the title's luxury liner with the kitchen staff early in the movie.

    Later, there is a decent number with Day and the Frenchman, Philippe Fouquet (Claude Dauphin, playing the role that Georges Guétary had played so much better the year before in "An American in Paris") in which the appeal and disappointments of Paris are sketched out.

    In sum, this is a pretty forgettable movie: forgettable music, certainly, forgettable dialog mostly (though there are a few nasty lines between Day and her female rival), unremarkable story - you never believe there is any real feeling between Ray Bolger and Day - forgettable if energetic dancing. Coming a year after "An American in Paris" - and no doubt meant to play off the success of that movie - this is pretty much a letdown. Even the scenes of Paris are fake.