• I viewed Bertie & Elizabeth on Sunday 17 July 2011 and as a piece of nostalgic history I enjoyed it. Costumes and setting were well presented . It was spoilt by the frequent recurring statements KING AND QUEEN OF ENGLAND I am Scottish and am at heart a Royalist but my knowledge of history is such that there is no such title as Queen of England or The English throne. It is The Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and her Commonwealth and Dominions. Now I am not so naive to suggest long winded title should be used where applicable in the script and bearing in mind the World wide audience who may not know of the historical background and only know of England and disregard Scotland ,Wales and Ireland. King/Queen of Britain would be a historically

    correct and in-offensive reference. This lack of detail is used widely in all the media and is very hurtful to other residents of the UNITED Kingdom of Great Britain.