• 13 August 2011
    What a movie! What a driver! What a sad sad ending! I never truly appreciated Senna the way I should have done. In those days I was in the Mansell camp wishing that Senna would stop being so hard to beat and that he and Prost would keep knocking one another out of races. Saying that I also supported Borg when McEnroe was spouting his mouth off in the early 80s and now I appreciate what he did for the game! Obviously with documentaries like this the temptation is to take everything literally. Was Senna treated with the contempt that is portrayed in the movie? Were the thoughts of Senna truly translated when people make claims of how he felt at certain times? All I know is that he is a man who should be remembered as the greatest! Its what these men can do when the cars are not the best..... and with exception to a few successful years with McLaren he didn't have the best (or even close to the best).

    Left me in tears as a true genius was taken away from us. RIP