• Unfortunately a waste of time. It might have worked in Ireland. I hoped at the start it might have at least the charm, if not the first class humor of say, the wonderful innocents turned Hit-men, "I Went Down". But there is no joy in this bottle.

    With a much too scrumptious cast for it's left-over script; this film squanders Postlethwaite, Rappaport, Saul Rubinek and Amanda Plummer all of whom have been put to wonderful use by director/writer combos with actual talent.

    But when you take two leads from years of unremarkable TV success and team them with the (in this case) unwatchable Donnie Wahlberg (no longer the New Kid on anyone's block), all costumed in outfits that must be from dumpster diving (and I may be being too harsh on the possibilities of found clothing), all sleep walking through sets more budget hunted and painful to look at than the unfolding of the plot...

    And you have an thoroughly un-enjoyable waste of 2 hours. I would have liked to have been able to find even one great moment or turn of the proverbial page, but, I do a service to all by saying... Save your time and move on.