• Alright, I was thinking this to be a comedy, as it was labeled as comedy here on IMDb, but it was more of a drama, though with some sporadic comedy here and there.

    The story in "50/50" was actually quite captivating, and you really got into the story and the characters because it was all just so very believable. The story is about Adam who is diagnosed with a rare cancer and then comes to see life from a new perspective, and learns about what is important in life. What makes this story so good is that it is something that could (and did) happen in real life.

    "50/50" is carried a long way with the impressive acting by Joseph Gordon-Levitt (playing Adam). He was phenomenal in this role. I am not much of a fan of Seth Rogen (playing Kyle), but he did a good job in this movie as well.

    Don't expect to be laughing hard throughout this movie, because the comedy in here is subtle and not really of the kind meant to make you laugh. The comedy is, however, used at just the right moments and it helps boost the story along. Also, there are some touching moments in the story as well, so for the more sensitive spirits, you might want to have a box of tissues at hand, just in case.

    "50/50" surprised me, especially because it wasn't just another comedy, as I had expected because of Seth Rogen. The story surprised me and it swept me up and carried me along, and I was genuinely impressed with Joseph Gordon-Levitt's performance in this movie.

    I strongly recommend that you watch "50/50" if you haven't already seen it. It is really one of those life-enriching stories that brightens up your day and makes you feel good.