• In an era of forgettable films, this movie dares to go full throttle, staying in your bloodstream for days. It takes a complex and dark look at the mid-life crisis, which for many is not just a cliché. It has a punk rock, take-no-prisoners attitude that clearly makes people uncomfortable. Before I saw it, I'd read reviews about "self-indulgent, whining white guys," but I think these people missed the point entirely. This movie is about paying respect to the dreams you had when you were young, however naïve they may have been. It's about pain, honesty, friendship, and a certain degree of insanity. These characters aren't heroic, if anything expect the opposite. The four actors give raw, unhinged, moving performances.

    Is it for everybody? No. It's polarizing, in-your-face, and also one of the most daring and original films I've ever seen. If you're looking for a movie that makes you feel something, that makes you think about choices you (or the people around you) have made, this is a must-see.