• Warning: Spoilers
    For what it was i loved this show. The first season was great. It had great ideas and interesting characters. There were other ways i would have loved the show to go other then the way it went. But the second season was horrible. It had a completely different writing scale. It 100% disappointed me. It deviated so much from the original story, it was difficult to follow and felt like it was completely rushed to get it over with. I was extremely disappointed in the fact that a large part of Max's x5 group was dead. When all she ever wanted to know was that they were OK. I think Zack or William Gregory Lee got a raw deal when he died and i would had loved to see Max and him together more.Tingas death just plain upset me. Then the whole ending stunk. I was never a real fan of the alba and weatherly relationship to begin with.

    If this show had not been as expensive i wish they would have explored more about the x5 group instead of the scifi freakier x7s and direction they went. I liked the original plot. Rather then the more extravagant issues coming on the end. If i could say one thing to the writers it would have been less is more and drop the whole Joshua daddy complex thing that wrecked it.