
  • Star Trek opened the door to a lot of good syndication Sci-Fi..

    And a few stinkers.

    This was one of the stinkers. The plot line is the classic 1953 War of the Worlds movie happened, but the world rebuilt and then forgot it ever happened. No, I mean, seriously, this was the premise.

    Further, they took the thousands of dead aliens, put them in toxic waste drums and forgot about them.

    Well, a bunch of silly plot devices. Aliens could take over the bodies of real humans, leading to all sorts of depressing plot lines mostly involving otherwise nice people being turned into aliens.

    Then if the series wasn't bad enough, they decided to make it worse in Season 2 by turning it into a depressing Cyber-Punk future where a new group of aliens pops in.

    Thankfully, it was put out of its misery after two seasons.