• Le gamin au vélo – The Kid with a Bike – CATCH IT (A) Le gamin au vélo is a heartwarming French movie from duo directors Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne. The movie revolves around a12 year old kid abandoned by his father, giving to orphanage trying hard to first find his father and then dealing with his rejection. During this time he bonds an unusual friendship with his town's hairdresser, who offers to foster him during weekend. The Kid with a Bike deals with the desperation, depression and unfairness of the life. The movie brings out strong emotions out of its lead characters. They are trapped and miserable in front of life, whether it's the young abandoned kid, or insolvent father or a hairdresser who agrees to foster a ragging child in random act of kindness. Thomas Doret as Cyril delivered one of the remarkable performances ever by a child star. There is this rebelliousness, edginess, depression, frustration to his performance which we see rarely in child stars. I don't think anyone has words to describe his performance, it was totally remarkable. Cécile De France, the High Tension Alum for most of the world is great and shows the softer side to her relatively strong structure. The bonding between Thomas Doret and Cécile De France is something completely magnificent to watch. Jérémie Renier as insolvent father is good. On the whole, Le gamin au vélo is one of the most heartwarming and remarkable piece of writing and direction I have seen in recent years. It clearly shows that there is still humanity in the world and there are still people like Samantha who would do anything in random act of kindness. Highly recommended.