• Warning: Spoilers
    Cuba's performance left a lot to be desired...I think he was going for 'stunned' for the dramatic moments, but it just came off as blank and lifeless. The supporting actors weren't bad. I'll always have a soft spot for Nicki from her Supernatural days.

    It's not completely the actors' fault that this ended up being nearly unwatchable. The plot itself was just bad sci-fi. It made no sense. The murderer turns out to be a guy from the future who wants to give his younger self a better life than he had.

    Okay. That I'll buy.

    So he comes back and kills his abusive mother, which puts the kid in a worse situation (living with his aunt). So future guy kills the aunt, which puts the kid in an orphanage so the future self comes back and kills the teacher who's recommendation kept him from being adopted and so on blah blah blah.

    In the end, the time-traveling murder ends up killing his younger self, which in turn kills the future self and rights everything. And by rights everything, I mean it sticks the younger self right back in the original situation with the crack whore mom that ended up producing his serial-killing future self in the first place.


    They either needed to kill the kid and have him stay dead or change his situation so drastically (Cuba adopting him and making him grow up to be less of a sociopath, for example) that he no longer becomes creepy guy from Desperate Housewives. Just a bad movie, all around.