• Warning: Spoilers
    I just bought this tonight in a budget bin for 3.99, so I guess this was to be expected. I love a good action movie (i.e. Steven Seagal's early stuff), and this looked like it might be just as good. Well I was wrong. I spent most of my time fast forwarding to find the good parts, of which there were very few. Like a few reviewers have said, this could have been a great film, but the production was just too weak, and the formula too clichéd. It needed something, although I do not know what. As for the clichéd formula, it revolves around a crooked general and a crooked police chief, and the great Marine who is out for truth and justice, who is held down to the very end, after which a few bullets took care of what could have been taken care of in fifteen minutes versus a one-hundred minute running time. If you want to see it, rent it, but do not buy it, at least when you rent it you can get rid of it easier.