• 18 September 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    Firstly the expectations were too very high, mainly after the hyped & stupendous reviews and secondly they were all shoddily devastated at the end of full-time. Mr. Anurag Basu (gave him second chance after KITES) always had common Indian people in his mind, who engage themselves watching 'saas-bahu soaps', neatly wasting their time and thought was gifting them a MASTERPIECE by making Barfi, almost forgetting that there are still few people who have seen 'City Lights' and 'Notebook'. The worst part was, it did resemble (badly) to both of those but not at all as good as seeing any part as they did. A ditto Hindi copy of either would have been better. The acting of none of the characters was up to par. Even veteran in the business, Haradhan Bannerjee failed to make a mark and so did Saurabh Shukla. A lot very was expected from these two, when they could have been used very adequately by director. The acting throughout was so very going against nature and abnormal. Although autism and spastics was a good excuse, but (for dear critics, giving the film 4.5/5) do really spastics really behave so, as Priyanka and Ranbir did. Do we ever see a mute and deaf holding window pane of a bus and riding a cycle, heroin sitting inside the bus and singing and dancing all of a sudden in public, we don't, and here was made to sit and tolerate these vistas. Too bad to again realize that it was again a mainstream, commercial movie. Ileana d'cruz, isn't the one to be blamed since the direction itself was poor.

    Storyline was again same, a greedy dad, few kind maids, a cruel mom and a love triangle and the time to time narration was surely an added perk and thus came into existence another typical 'Hindi Film', which we have been seeing since our childhood. Mr. Basu even tried to forcibly pierce a bit of thrill, which didn't worked and was again a glitch. Equally the climax was tackily made again was unnatural while few were exact photo-copy of 'Notebook's' climax (when will Bollywood stop making lame duplicates). Also did seemed like Mr. Basu thought that just graying the hairs and making them trembling their fingers would make someone look old, a big gaffe again. Kolkata was portrayed good, still much better could have been done and same was for Darjeeling. Editing sometimes was nice. Few scenes were very nicely crafted. Music was the best part. In short, again a Bollywood movie, with a twist and a scene from here and there, not at all a thriller, indeed just another comedy. Moderately Recommendable. No loss if it goes unwatched.