• Warning: Spoilers
    This film really surprised me. I found it purely by chance and I really liked it!

    It contains a lot of layers but basically is the story of Fred (Colm Meaney), who is hinted to be a former alcoholic, and his struggling with addiction, personalized by the charming drug addict Cathal (Colin Morgan).

    Quoting the first lines of Dante's Inferno AND the last line from the same, the film does nothing to hide the fact that Fred has reached the middle of his life and has indeed lost the right path, but that he manages to get to Purgatory with some help and guidance from the dead-to-society Cathal as his Virgil.

    Furthermore, as mentioned above, there are lots of other layers to the story. For example Cathal also personificates youth, which Fred is leaving behind. And there's also the part about Fred needing to be honest about his (housing)situation before he can experience a change (very much in line with The divine Comedy). And there might even be some Beatrice to the piano playing Jules.

    Another surprise to me was that the symbolism is abundant in this film, Fred repairs other peoples watches (people who are more or less "stuck in time"), Fred finally jumping into the pool, the fireworks, the line about "the leaf falling from the branch", the various religious items etc. etc. Surprisingly the symbolism never feels out of place in the film and never slows the pace of the story.

    It's definitely a film that grows on you, and I won't hesitate to recommend it. A little warning though: It's very melancholic and it WILL make you feel sad.

    Finally: All the actors are great in this and leads Colm Meaney and Colin Morgan deserve all the praise they can get. I haven't seen either of them in anything else than Parked but I very much want to now.