• As my summary suggests, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt (PSG from now on) is easily one of the most profanity- and sexual reference-laden shows I've ever seen. It is also easily one of the funniest (albeit crudely funny) shows I've ever had the pleasure to watch.

    PSG follows the story of Panty and Stocking, two foul-mouthed and short-tempered angels who were banished from heaven because of their behavior. They now reside on Earth, where they have to acquire enough Heaven Coins to buy their way back into heaven, which they obtain by killing ghosts that appear in the city they live in. Garterbelt is an almost equally foul-mouthed reverend who acts as the angels' guardian as well as messenger from whom Panty and Stocking receive their assignments.

    Sounds simple enough, but these two girls have pretty extreme fascinations that constantly distract them from their true goal. Panty makes it her personal goal to have sex with one thousand Earth men before returning to heaven, and Stocking eats anything containing sugar she can get her hands on. And when they are on task, they can transform their undergarments (for which each angel is named) into a weapon (Panty's panties turn into guns, Stocking's stockings turn into katanas). Yup.

    Believe you me, this show is as outlandish as it sounds and then some, and is equally as funny. Yes, most of the humor is crude, but it's also taken to an extant that, in my opinion, would nearly warrant an NC-17 rating for the entire series if it had included any actual nudity. As such, keep this as far away from children as possible but by all means enjoy at your leisure. Don't let the animation style fool you; this is anime, but GAINAX meant for it to resemble American cartoons. While it may look simple as first glance, the action segments in the series have some pretty awesome (and insane) animation, hardly a surprise considering this was animated by the same people that made Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Anyone looking for adult animation need look no further than PSG. Every episode packs a wallop in the form of an outrageous plot as well as extremely raunchy humor including, but not limited to, pervasive sexual references and language. On that topic, I would have to recommend watching this in the English-dubbed version. Frankly, I found it a lot funnier in English, especially in how the lines are delivered and how the script writers really cut loose and managed to make it raunchier than the original Japanese version.

    AND it has an homage to Invader ZIM. What more could you ask for?! Watch it already!

    Review based on: Full viewing of Japanese and English dubbed series (13/13)