• Warning: Spoilers
    I like to start with the good first...so I shall..

    1.)I loved the way this movie was filmed, it's the film style that gets to me and keeps me on the edge of my seat and covering my eyes. The dark corners, characters shot with a gaping background, just waiting for something to walk past, or be standing in the shadows.

    2.)I thought all the family member actors( Ethan was awesome I thought) did very well with what they were given, and how little they were actually in the movie.

    3.) Interesting "bad guy", not a TOTAL cliché.

    4.) Anytime he watched the reels, I found it very intense.

    OK...now...THE BAD, or NOT SO GOOD....Real Spoilers below....

    1.)I don't know who in the heck green lights previews. Just from the line "eats children's souls" and them showing little "Amanda" was missing from the first case..I knew instantly within 10 minutes of the movie EXACTLY what the "catch" was.So I was hoping they would throw in a wrench and maybe it OBVIOUSLY wouldn't be the ONE little kid that goes "missing" in each family that is killing them. How else could Boogs be standing on the side line every time. DUH. Maybe they weren't trying to make it a secret.......

    2.) Boogs. Bad guy. Child soul eater. Looked like a cross from the midget puppet doll from Saw and the guy from V for Vendetta, going to an ICP concert. NOT SCARY.

    3.)Ghost Children. RUINED the whole movie. No kidding. As soon as I saw the little ghost hands pulling Ethan down when he fell through the attic...I said "oh god no, anything but little ghost children." The scene out in the lawn when he find his daughter Trevor ; ), and they show the children behind him in the midst....seriously was the quality and as scary as a Liftime movie, along with the makeup. YAWN. Way to go make up guy.

    4.) Obviously little Ashley would be the child to turn. Also knew that within the first 30 min. They just threw in the other little girl (Trevor) to throw people off....speaking of...

    5.) CUT THAT LITTLE KIDS HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6.) I did love the way they filmed this movie, but I hate it when they don't EVER turn on ANY lights when ALL this freaky a$$ $*** is going on. REALLY!??? Also, I hate it in movies where the lead person is figuring, hearing, seeing ALL this stuff go on in their house....and just keep going to bed in the house. YEAH RIGHT.

    And last but not least... 7.....THE ENDING. SUCKED. SUCKED, SUCKED, SUCKED, SUCKED, SUCKED. If you have seen it you don't need me to tell you why. If you haven't...non-creepy Ashley..somehow (just like the other children) drugged, dragged and murders her family. Not only does Boogs taint their mind, he also gives them super hero strength!!! AND they added all those STUPID little ghost kids in it AGAIN.

    This movie had SUCH potential. Who ever the make up "artist" was...banish him from the biz. Who ever decides what information and scenes will be in previews......FIRE HIM. Sad to see a movie that could have been SO good, be a, moving on, what's on next??