• I've made it clear in the past how I feel about FPS video games. There are just too many of them. I feel that they are dangerous, and may well sink the video games industry at some point when the market inevitably becomes oversaturated with them. The war-based FPS games are the worst, often glorifying aggression in foreign countries and making heroes out of invading forces. For games set in the past, such as the very first Medal of Honor games (so innocent compared to this, and now so far removed from Steven Spielberg's original idea) I can accept this, but for games set in the present day (which most are) the thought of thousands of angry teenage boys having fun sniping people for hours on end deeply disturbs me. Electronic Arts try to inject a story of a man torn between duties in Warfighter in an attempt to separate it a bit more from Call of Duty and Modern Combat, but they are all the same to me.

    There's literally nothing here that you haven't seen before, except you've not seen it done as poorly as this. There will be multiple moments when you have to carefully snipe a bad guy, and you've got him locked in your sights, only for the bullet to, completely impossibly, NOT hit. There will be other times when your mission doesn't advance forward, causing you to restart from the last checkpoint in the hope that perhaps this time it will work properly. Chuck in generic foreign meat dummies, lots of bad language, poorly designed areas, bad lighting, terrible aiming, and you've got yourself a very forgettable game.

    They should stop making these. There are enough FPS games out there to last even the most blood-thirsty, gun-happy unhealthy teenagers for a long time. It is liberal with trophies at the very least.

    Graphics C Sound A Gameplay C- Lasting Appeal D