• Warning: Spoilers
    OK, I was the fan of the original SATC series. When I saw the first movie I had high expectations and was left extremely disappointed and appalled, at how spoiled and selfish the four women I had loved and looked up to in the original, came to be portrayed as. I felt betrayed and angry then. So by the time this second movie came out I knew better - not expect much at all. I watched it simply to enjoy seeing their colorful lives once more, and to satisfy my own curiosity for what more the writers had in mind for the continuing lives of these four girls.

    That attitude worked for me, and I enjoyed it for what it was. I chose to ignore the elements of the movie that many people here are saying as offensive by not taking this movie seriously; it's not worth it. It's like when a movie is made out of a book, it's best to not compare the two but see them as two separate entities; the SATC movies and the original series on HBO... are two different things.

    Expect this to be a movie to be watched purely for entertainment purpose, for passing time, and not something that will teach you valuable life tips or inspire, as the original series did. If you go into it with high hopes you'll most likely end up feeling betrayed. If you choose to see it not so much as a movie but as a silly two-hour long reality escape on a DVD, it is not so bad.

    The movie does not have much of a storyline, but there were two things I appreciated: the plot on Carrie with her doubts about her happy-ever-after, and the exchange between Charlotte and Miranda about their motherhood. Carrie's acting out on her fears and her subsequent coming-clean to Big, was true to her character - fallible, and still lovable. The way Big handled their little crisis at the end, showed well in the short scene, that he had matured as a man from the once perpetual bachelor. Charlotte and Miranda sharing honestly with each other what they felt as their own flaws and shortcomings in their motherhood was touching, and true to their bravely honest characters from the originals. As for Samantha, well, unfortunately her over-sexed character lies flat and boring; her integrity and intelligence that was once well-deserving of respect in the originals, is forever lost in the two sequels.

    Final verdict: if you can see past all the flaws in this movie, and choose to see it just for fun, it can be enjoyable enough. If you have a hard time detaching the sequels from the original series in your mind... it might be best if you skip this one (or the first one).