
  • I don't normally write reviews on IMDb, but I thought I'd make an exception for this show. I find it rather weird that it has an overall rating of 8.1, but all the reviews so far range from mediocre to bad.

    Personally, I really enjoyed the pilot. While most of the themes are "cliche", the show does a great job of still adding an original twist to almost all of them. I've always enjoyed shows that follow numerous characters, so I think there is potential in that aspect. I also enjoyed the two "main" characters; they have great chemistry together (if a little awkward at points) and are intriguing. I feel there is a lot more to learn about them, and that makes me want to keep watching the show.

    I don't watch many SyFy shows, so I can't really compare it to anything they have done in the past. I can see the resemblance to Jericho, as some people have stated, but with a larger sci-fi theme. A lot of reviews state that they have "seen shows like this before", but I personally have never seen anything like this show before. The graphics are sub-par, but are better than a lot of other shows I have seen. Truthfully, I would take a great story over amazing graphics any day.

    After watching the show, I have decided to pick up the video game. I find the show/ video game integration very intriguing. Now that both are officially out, I hope they compliment each other even more in the future. It would be fun to watch an episode, and then play the video game and get background info on the episode, and on terraform earth as a whole.

    These are just my thoughts on the first episode. I encourage everyone to at least watch the pilot to decide for yourselves whether this is a show for you or not.