• My sister and I saw this in 1952 and were impressed enough to remember some of the lines until this day. Ann Baxter "Oh, I'd just go mad if I didn't have my little escape hatches!" We put it into some of our little family entertainment dramas. I was 16 and she was 13 when we saw it.

    It was fun -- and I thought I recognized Wild Red Barry as one of the toughs at the Men Only health retreat. According to the cast list it was Henry Kulky as the 'pug'. Mike Mazursky, also a pro rassler, is not credited at all, although he has a line about not fearing to push a ladies face in.

    I agree -- why isn't it shown more often? While the Empress walks the naked backs of male slaves she digs her high heel around a bit on MacDoanld Carey, and he looks up at the camera in dismay or something.