• Warning: Spoilers
    A disturbing and disappointing zombie film. But then again it was low-budget film-making. And I give them a B+ for effort.

    It takes Romero's original storyline but changes it quite a bit. It has the zombies as heroes in way because the remaining humans have a far more terrifying threat than the just the zombies to deal with, it has psychotic hoodlums who are using the zombie apocalypse to torture and kill innocent people just for the fun of it! This storyline was I believe handle and done much better in the Zombie Diaries films done earlier in 2006 & 2011. Still, not a bad effort.

    The actors in this film were very amateurish. But the music score was 'dead' on! (no pun intended) This could have been a great film had it had more money budget and better acting.

    What was frustrating was that these people who were holding up in this so-call cottage, did not bother to board up the windows or doors at all! And all they had for weapons was one lousy shotgun!? there was one scene where they talk about going in the basement or maybe even the attic, but that was squashed with the 'brilliant' idea of the main old guy saying he's going for help all by himself in the middle of the night with no weapon because he gave it to his zombie bitten/infected son-in-law!? WTF?! And what's more frustrating was the anticipation of a zombie baby scene and all they do is tease you with it and it never manifests! Damn!

    Still, I can't help but like a film that has a bit cameo homage to Romero's original. It's at the beginning of the film when we meet the "Ben" (Sule Rimi)character who when talking on his cell phone to someone named "Barbara" (get it?) his signal drops and he tosses the phone on the car seat. We then see for a brief second that the picture/icon for 'Barbara' is none other then one of the original movie posters of actress Kyra Schon as Karen Cooper, the trowel-wielding zombie kid in George Romero's original "Night of the Living Dead" which she portrayed back in 1968! Now how cool is that? Plus, the ironic twist they have for 'Ben' our doomed hero in this film, is priceless. I don't want to ruin too much, you just have to see it once if you are a true zombie film fan.