
  • Night Of The Living Dead: Resurrection. The film wasn't without it flaws but it works nicely enough as a homage to the original film.

    I felt a little under whelm by it. I wanted more from it. There were times I found the characters interesting and others not so. There was some lovely camera work and direction but there was also some lighting issues. It wasn't anything I not seen before from a genre that been done a lot by independence film makers. You still get everything you would want from a zombie film but with the market so wide the film really needed to push it self a bit more. Despite the film being a bit dark in places to see what was going on it still added a nice feel to the over all the film. The zombies were often seen in the shadows which really added to the film.

    The film overall is stills miles better than Night of the Living Dead 3D. NOTLD: Resurrection is one of those films you have to take for what it is. It miles better than a lot of low budget films but I would have likes to have seen something much more from it. You have to give credit to the markers of the film for what they did on a low budget and the respect they had for the original source material.

    Hopefully if they do make another they can fix the flaws as I truly believe the film had potential to be something great. Just this time around it just miss the mark. Overall nice try.