
  • I have always struggled and even wanted to like Steve Martin as a comedy actor yet at best can only rate him as moderately talented. There is something instantly likable about him which has always allowed one to overlook the fact that in any role, it is Steve Martin, stand-up comedian and not the character that one sees.

    In taking on the part of Clouseau, Martin and the creators of these hideous films missed the point that trying to imitate a parody will never work. What Edwards and Sellars created played on so many levels including a very ignorant British attitude to French culture that is certainly unknown in America. I suppose at least he can feel happy that he is on a par with Queen Latifa in the Americanisation of the classic Besson film, Taxi.

    To go further and make a second installment of such spuriousness just underlines that Martin has no understanding of the fact that all of the original films will stand the test of time and be purchased by generations to come. Great comedians often tend to be great character actors (Take Billy Connoly for one). Moderate comedians make moderate actors.

    All in all, it manages to achieve the heights of a nice little retirement fund for the likes of Martin, Cleese (who should be ashamed) and other actors that have sullied their reputations by appearing in this debacle.

    Watch the originals, compare them to these. Then you'll really laugh.