
  • 60ish Chuck Norris plays a retired cop and finder of abducted persons in this paint by numbers 1985 action flick which had the bad luck to have been made in 2005. Seriously, it was as if the creators were either blissfully or wilfully unaware that twenty years of cinema had passed under the bridge. Did somebody win an old Chuck Norris script in a storage locker auction and decide to shoot the thing? The generic looking vehicle chases and punch-ups would have been nothing special back in the days of Good Guys Wear Black, but coming in the wake of modern action opuses like The Matrix they seem downright anachronistic, like somebody starting a Nascar race in a Stutz Bearcat. Even the bad guys - an incognito Nazi war criminal and a black clad soldier of fortune seem badly dated.

    At least the producers had the good taste to give Chuck age-appropriate female friends (Joanna Pakula and Tracy Scoggins); watching younger actresses cozy up to sexagenarian Chuck would have been just too icky.