• Warning: Spoilers
    Taking a look at the back of the DVD case which contained a number of auteur film maker Russ Meyer early work,I was excited to find out that the final movie In the set was Meyer's first and only anthology title,which led to me excitingly getting ready to see Meyer take on an anthology erotica.

    The plots:

    Story 1:Naked Innocence:

    A woman walks around a woodland area,and talks about how it helps her to feel connected to nature.

    Story 2:Beauties,Bubbles and H2O:

    As a group of girls bathe in a pool,a plumbing salesmen talks about how peoples bathing habits have changed over the decades.

    Story 3:The Bear and the Bare:

    Desperate to give their bear skin coats the maximum sales potential,a company decides to go for a very different marketing campaign.

    Story 4:Nudists on the High Seas:

    Setting off on the high seas,a captain reveals how different his new crew really are.

    Story 5:The Nymphs:

    As one movie star goes for a shower and another goes for a bath,a film soundtrack editor fails to find the correct soundtrack.

    Story 6:The Bikini Busters:

    Opening with a cave-woman, (and caveman!) the story shows the history of women's bathing clothes,which led to the creation of the bikini.

    View on the film:

    Opening with a tantalising fourth-wall breaking scene, (in which he also cameo's in) editor/cinematography/co-writer/ (along with Jack Moran) director Russ Meyer disappointingly limits the fourth wall breaking moments to only the final 2 stories in the film,with The Nymphs easily being the best story in the movie,thanks to Meyer showing a real playful side with the soundtrack.

    Whilst the other 4 stories do feature dazzling actresses and also a jolly narration from Jack Moran (working here with Meyer for the first time),each of the 4 stories feel completely isolated from the delightfully teasing opening scene,and the wonderfully off-beat,fourth wall breaking final stories.