• This is a cheap looking DTV Movie, is that redundant? Not always, but here it is nonetheless, and it reeks of bottom barrel badness. Rapper 50 Cent Produced this thing and he manages to mangle the English Language, swallow His words, and mumble for the complete 30 seconds he is on the Screen. Then has the audacity to put His Name on the Box. Ditto pretty much Val Kilmer, and Vinnie Jones although they don't Mumble they just barely show up.

    The Colors are washed out and the lighting is awful, the Camera shakes as this announces Action and Excitement. There are many obligatory parades of Babes in varying poses as eye-candy and Gangsta Ho hangers on. The Plot tries to have some Pathos with a Murdered Brother, a White-knight Cop, and a Pregnant Street Gal who must give up "the Life" for her Baby.

    Nothing here is worth much and it barely reaches the Competency Level and when it does it drops to below standard quickly. Nothing here worth your time unless you must see every Gang-Related Retread made available for a seemingly insatiable Home Video Market.