• This show is not historically accurate at all. The costumes are modernized. The accents are painfully inaccurate. If you are looking for a show to learn about Mary, Queen of Scots, move along.

    But personally, this show is my new guilty pleasure. Would I gush to my friends about how good it is and how hot so-and-so is? No. Would I complain to other people how historically inaccurate it is, and that shows like this are the downfall of modern television? No. Would I lie in bed with a bag of popcorn at the end of a long day at work and enjoy it in private? Yes. And I do.

    The costumes, however inaccurate, are beautiful. The sets and scenery are stunning. The acting is so-so.

    I didn't have high expectations for the show to begin with, so I wasn't disappointed. I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I'm keeping my expectations low, but the first two episodes have me hooked.