• I'm rather surprised that this version of Alice isn't rated much much better, since in my humble opinion Alice TV mini-series are like the best thing. OK, I'll give you that special effects aren't top notch, and there are definitely things in the series which could have been better, but overall it's still one heck of an awesome and enjoyable series to watch, re-watch and then watch it again. First of all, Alice the TV mini series is a modern take on the original story. There are numerous mentions of the original Alice of the Legend, but the story does not dwell on that and rather follows a modern day young woman, named Alice of cause, as she gets to Wonderland. And these modern takes plus some well applied canons from the source story is really fun to watch. Remember flamingos? One just must see 'em in this one LOL. Secondly, but certainly not last, all the main actors on the series did a wonderful job with their respective characters, making 'em as real and memorable as possible. Alice is great. Jack is great. But best of all is Hatter. And IMO that is the BEST Hatter ever. So summarizing, if you haven't seen this one yet, go and see it right NOW. Don't let some not so superb special effects to put you off of the series - it's not about the special effects at all, but about the story and storytelling. And one could hardly complain about both of 'em.