• Warning: Spoilers
    This is one seriously silly Japanese space movie. It is Undoubtedly awful when judged as one would normally judge a movie, but it's so ridiculous it's actually kind of enjoyable. Here are a few of the exceedingly silly events that happen in the movie:

    -Some Japanese kids, poorly dubbed into speaking English discover a space ship and some cone head Neptune men who try to kill them. Space Chief, a guy wearing tights and a stupid helmet lands his rocket powered golf cart, and starts jumping around in a silly fashion, cone head guys fall over, and run away.

    -People start noticing strange things and alert the scientists, the scientists talk science jargon about science, then do some science...SCIENCE! Politicians however do politics, feel skeptical about scientist warnings.

    -Jump cut to cone heads watching TV broadcast about alien invasion, apparently jump cut covers transition from general skepticism to belief. Suddenly the cone heads attack in their space ship, conveniently, the scientists have put together an "electro barrier" to stop them.

    -The cone heads attack, shoot flaming farts, the electro barrier deflects flaming fart rays, hilarious action sequence ensues, with cone heads falling over due to electro barrier. Defeated by this ridiculous barrier thing, the cone heads wimp out and go away.*

    -The ever present bunch of little kids from the start of the movie run around chattering incessantly, they stumble on a space probe thingie that contains a threatening message from the aliens.

    -The aliens attack and there is a scene of lots of silly looking running around in panic as people try to escape, however, the Aliens infiltrate japan, disguised as soldiers and almost manage to kill the bunch of annoying little kids.

    -Suddenly Space Chief is back in the movie, he shoots a couple of the cone heads, chases after two other into a building then promptly explodes(?). This causes lots of general running about in a big panic.

    At this point the movie suddenly changes tone and becomes somewhat serious. The government make an announcement that the word is under attack, and that people need to take shelter, which of course causes some proper panic. This is followed by a slightly less silly scene of the cone heads attacking earth with proper explosions and everything. Then Space Chief is back, this time actually doing some space battle (or rather lower atmosphere battle) flying around in his rocket golf cart thing, shooting the alien ships.

    After this sequence has gone on for a while the big moment comes, the moment when your jaw just drops and you can't help but utter a big WHAT! There is billboard of Hitler doing a seig heil. Unmotivated Hitler, just like that.

    The movie then goes on like nothing happened, recycling the same scenes of the battle between the cone heads and Space Chief, until it suddenly stops. Cue the scientists preparing "Alpha Electron Rockets", there is a tense moment as they count down, then Kablamo, no more cone heads, the end.

    *Somewhere around this point in the movie, there is a lot of talk about something called a Roji Panty Complex, I have no idea what that is or why it is mentioned.