
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Cabin Fever 3 – Patient Zero,

    By the time a franchise like Cabin Fever gets to the third installment you know what to expect. Fortunately 'Patient Zero' has made an effort to not re-hash the previous plot lines even if it doesn't manage to break any new ground.

    The opening scene introduces us to Patient Zero, a malevolent and cunning character played by Sean Astin. He is held against his will in a spectacular underground laboratory located on a deserted island. Oh, and it's staffed with sexy girls in revealing lab coats and headed up by a mad scientist. Yes, it's that kind of movie.

    Of course a group of young people end up stranded on the island, containment is breached and everybody ends up melting. But by the time that starts happening there's been enough character development and internal conflict to last the rest of the movie.

    The virus is less convincing than the previous films and ends up being a bit of a joke. Characters seem not to feel pain and function normally, even without lips or skin. In a climactic fight two girls literally tear each other to pieces, it's really something to behold. There's also projectile vomit and uncomfortable sex scenes, but that's a standard feature here.

    Whatever shortcomings this movie has it makes up for them with good humour and a genuine feeling that an effort was made. It's entertaining with lots of solid jokes, and enough horrific violence to earn its name. The pace is also quick enough so you're never bored.

    At the halfway mark though it all starts to look and sound like a video game, and for some reason the infected start to act like zombies. But since the focus is less on the effects of the virus and more on traditional adventure horror that doesn't feel out of place.

    So enjoy it because you didn't have high expectations did you?