• I will start this by saying: YOU need to watch it!

    2013 was quite the year for horror and 2014 looks promising also. 13 sins is one of the most intriguing movies I've seen in quite a while, something of a "Identity" that will keep you there, craving for more even getting your mind twisted a little. It was perfect, from start to finish, and I can't believe I didn't hear more about it. Sadly, a lot of good horrors lately remain completely unknown even after they are release and it is quite the shame, but fanatics will always find a way of digging them up.

    The cast was good, Mark Webber did an excellent job, Ron Perlman is always good on screen and Pruitt Taylor Vince always offers a dark touch to his films. The plot was not the most original, but not one of those over used subjects either, the execution is the key here. Pretty much everything was done the way it supposed to and all horror fans will have a big smile at the end of it. 13 sins is indeed a good horror!

    I will end this by saying: YOU need to watch it!