• Warning: Spoilers
    So...the last man. Where to begin? Well, first off I would like to say that despite this film's very low ratings I was intrigued to watch it due to the premise. However, this film did not at all live up to it's potential what so ever.

    To start, the characters don't go through any development at all and the conflict they're in is just dull and uneventful. It's generally just Alan being demeaning and passive aggressive to Raphael and Sarah telling him to be nicer to him. The conflict between Alan and Raphael is very poor much like their characters (especially Raphael, who is just a dumb blond man that's only defining feature is he is attractive and dumb). While having a character like that can maybe work when he's placed opposite an interesting character and we can see his interesting reaction, Alan himself is a poor character as well. He is very shallow, uninteresting and his only somewhat interesting characteristic is his fascination with the native tribe he studied before the apocalypse.

    To add insult to injury, the acting ranges from very poor to just meh. Dan Montgomery Jr.(Raphael) is by far the worst actor in the film (but given the material, it's not hard to understand why). David Arnott (Alan) is OK but again, he's given hardly anything to work with. Jeri Ryan (Sarah) does a good job at the beginning as her character is easy to sympathize with but it's easy to see she is struggling with the awful material and so her performance suffers.

    To make matters worse, everyone in the film is idiotic. Alan manipulates Raphael and Sarah to break up with one another so easily it's unbelievable. Their gullibility is through the roof. And the film's ending is just bleak and bland, not because it's sad, but because it just stops and the conclusion tells us nothing about the journey Alan has gone through or how he's changed. He's still the same uninteresting character.

    This film doesn't even have the so bad it's good quality of The Room. It's just not quite that terrible or extreme enough and it doesn't try anywhere near as hard. It's just boring and lazy. The only interesting scenes are at the beginning where Alan plans on documenting his experiences and teaching the new race that will inhabit the earth what his civilization was like.

    Overall the best way to summarize this movie is great premise, terrible execution. Avoid unless you're looking for an example of this kind of movie.