• Just watched this on TV (didn't spend $20+ at the theater like many of the other reviewers). First, I must admit to being a real lightweight when it comes to scary movies! If the genre is listed as "horror", I do NOT watch it (but I do like a good "thriller", which is what my listings called "The Messengers"). Therefore, I am not extremely jaded on this subject -- which, in my opinion, the previous reviewers are! That being said, I thought this was a pretty good movie and plenty scary. I "jumped" a LOT of times and also actually felt my spine tingle and the hairs on the back of my neck rise quite a lot of times.

    Flaws do pretty much abound in the plot and directing, but I thought the acting was top-notch and I had no complaints about the cinematography. I never saw any "mics" in the picture, either!