• ^ minutes of death is still a very tense ride. Third time feature director Joe Ciminera ( relation to the chef on TV) clearly knows how to bring the horror. He's able to make this horror film into a strong ensemble piece, working with a talented cast at times, and yet he doesn't flinch from faithfully reproducing his take on a no script mania. This remains my best film of the year so far.The result is a film that is often chilling, but not over the top. The other performances tend to be uneven and underwritten as well. The premise of the movie is totally original and cleverly thought by Mr. Ciminera.

    Is it an excellent evocation of what the show was at its heart. Better yet, its clear and sharp focus means it stands alone just fine as a work unto itself, easily accessible as a more-than- competent thriller for anyone not familiar with Mr. Ciminera work. A director who seems to keep creating lots of good content quickly. Horror fans could lead contented live following his career. Got to show film makers how creative you can be on a 5,000 dollar budget