• Warning: Spoilers
    This show is definitely not for me. If we're suppose to like this character- be on her side, it's not happening. This character is a horrible person. Yes, she was kidnapped, but her actions against birth mother since her return are deplorable. Complete dis-respect! Carter never considers what her birth mother went through, or anyone else's feelings- at all! She gets involved with a delinquent, in direct defiance of her mother (who just arrested the moron). The moron gets caught teaching Carter's 12 year old brother to roll joints. Her dad kicks him out, and the Mom forbids Carter from seeing him. What does this Carter do? She shoves her tongue down her the moron's throat, and makes a smart$$$ remark, in further defiance. I get she grew up with her kidnapper, and I'll give her that but she is horrible to anyone, that conflicts with what she wants. She doesn't think about other people at all! My ten year old watches this crap, with her Mom. I'm thinking about putting a stop to that. The show, to me, is an epic fail.