• To enjoy Eraser you must...

    1. Already like Schwarzenegger and his films 2. Suspend your disbelief 3. Have popcorn and nibbles on hand while you watch 4. Find a comfy chair 5. Enjoy the ride If you can do that, you'll find that your two hours spent in front of the TV will not be wasted.

    Simple as that. Some people called Eraser 'Arnie's last great action film' (not including Terminator 3). That it may be. He got old. He went into politics. Action heroes became younger, better-looking and the stunts they participated in more elaborate and dangerous.

    So maybe Eraser is Arnie's 'swansong?' Maybe not. I hear he's gearing up to do some 'post-politics' acting. If so, following in Eraser's footsteps would not be that badder place to start.
