• Warning: Spoilers
    Pros: - Two incredible central performances from Mark Duplass and Elisabeth Moss. Both of them overcame the challenge of having to play two very similar but crucially different characters each.

    • A refreshingly new study of relationships. Themes such as the idea that both a husband and wife are different people during the courting period/start of the marriage than they are years into the marriage. Also, the theme that everyone behaves differently depending on who they are with and that flaws in a relationship can be a good thing and that a perfect relationship isn't necessarily the happiest one.

    • The tonal balance between drama and comedy is admirably achieved by first time director Charlie McDowell.

    • Writer Justin Lader's script also contributes this and is both very real and refreshingly, playfully profane at times.

    -The existing music and originally composed score both do an equally admirable job in achieving this tonal balance.

    -The subtle aesthetic differences between the clothing and accessories of the four main characters is cleverly used to avoid confusing the viewer and to accentuate the similar but uniquely different personalities of the four main characters.

    -The almost photobook perfect setting is the ideal staging ground for the dark and dramatic events that unfold later in the movie.

    -Ted Danson has a short but sweet cameo.

    Cons: -The movie is caught somewhere between fully explaining the science fiction elements of the story and not explaining them at all. The movie would've worked perfectly fine without any explanation of the phenomena but once the scene with the laptop popped up, it should've fully explained things or otherwise should've been cut.

    -Sometimes the interactions between the characters and issues touched upon got to be annoyingly familiar and repetitive.