• There's a few things you can guarantee with a Jean-Pierre Jeunet film. It'll have a quirky network of characters, the titular protagonist will have a unique perspective on the little things, the sprightly cinematography will burst off the screen, the score will be a treat, and Dominique Pinon will appear. The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet is a surprisingly under the radar release for such a big name director. It's a harmless film, but that perhaps works against it. Jeunet always worked best in the contrast of his sweetness and darkness. It does have a touch of it, and is easily the strongest aspect of the film, but it's not enough to satisfy. Adapted from a children's book, it's expectedly neutered for him. The goal isn't very believable and the obstacles are idle threats. It's fine, it's still entertaining, but not enough to make an impression. There's a strong emotional undercurrent that occasionally pops up about dealing with loss - it's a textbook hook, but one that works. If only it stopped off at more engaging places along the way.
