• O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) and SG1 Tealc (Christopher Judge), Vala (Claudia Black), Samantha Carter (Amanda Tapping), Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), and Cameron Mitchell (Ben Browder) go to witness the last Ba'al clone extracted from his host. Vala disappears and then Teal'c among others. O'Neill is killed and the rest of SG1 escape back through the gate. In 1939, a ship carrying a Stargate gets invaded by Ba'al and his men. When Carter, Jackson and Mitchell re-emerge, they find themselves in that ship frozen in the modern Arctic. It turns out that it's the ship that was suppose to carry the first Stargate from Egypt to America. They are rescued by the alternate O'Neill. The government decides to scatter the three and find the Stargate in Anarctica without them. A year later, the Gouald under Ba'al attacks and the government recalls them for help.

    It takes awhile to get going. It's the try and true sci-fi premise of time travel. It is done well. It's got good action. It's got the characters fans love. Overall, fans who follow the TV show will love this movie. Everybody else will have problem following it.