• "You know when you have a feeling that you don't want to fade away, but you don't really know how to keep it?" Franny (Hathaway) has removed herself from her family and is living her own life. When her brother is in an accident she returns home. She begins to look at his life and what he loves. Attending a concert that he was going to go to changes everything. This movie has very good music, the bad thing about that though is that that is the reason to watch. The movie itself is a little slow and generic. I really wanted to like this and tried, but when the music wasn't going on you could tell what was going to happen from line to line. I'm not saying this isn't worth seeing, but Begin Again mixed story and music together so perfectly that it just shows you need both in order to make a good movie. Overall, good music and an OK movie. I give this a B-.