• Well where do I begin with this, at first I was expecting a run of the mill retread of the first 2 films and just another basic slasher that came out during this time, and while it was both of those things, but on the whole this was still a lot of fun. The first "Slumber Party Massacre" was a hell of a lot of fun and one of my fave slashers from the 1980's. The second one went in another direction with the Freddy like dream killer, which was kinda stupid, but still cheesy and fun, but not as strong as the first movie.

    Now we have part III which took me a while to get around to seeing given its obscure status, and when I saw it, I found it rather likable. It's far from a cinematic masterpiece and has all the usual low budget trappings such as bad acting, poor effects and rushed production with obvious mistakes shown throughout. What I liked is that it went back to basics without all the dream stuff from part 2 which was hit and miss at the best of times and instead opted to add an whodunit element to the proceedings as well as adding the obvious red herrings to it, but proved pointless as the red herrings were more of an pointless distraction and are more or less abandoned midway through. The plot as well is just a rehash a group of girls decide to have one last slumber party before one of them moves away and of course some boys crash it and all hell breaks loose.

    The back-story on the killer which was quite interesting and does add more depth to this movie and the creepy disguise he wears during the first load of killings was quite creepy and suspenseful and the cast while not very strong but were likable, Keely Christian who plays the main girl Jackie was actually quite good and very stunning, Maria Ford gives another standout performance despite her distracting bad wig, especially during her rape scene with the killer which was unsettling and nerve racking. Also David Lawrence who plays Frank was quite good as the standout of the boys.

    So all in all for this concluding part in the trilogy, I still don't think the director knows what actually goes on at these slumber parties, but what goes on in this one only adds to the fun and mayhem, while not quite a classic gem in the slasher genre, but overall still a good watch and a fun waste of time.