• This film tells the story of a woman whose musician brother got hit by a car and became comatose. In the process of grieving, she becomes more than friends with the brother's favourite singer.

    The Chinese title of this film in Hong Kong is "New York Love Chords", so I would be excused to think it's a romantic comedy involving music. The film turns or to be a sombre offering, with Anne Hathaway and Johnny Flynn saying sorry for each other on numerous occasions. The pace is slow, and nothing happens in the film. Anne Hathaway is quite good in the film, but I'm quite surprised by Johnny Flynn's portrayal of a very shy, bordering on socially awkward musician. Not only does his character appear lacking in confidence, he could not even hold eye contact with the person he's talking to. I can't believe he's the same charismatic guy in "Clouds of Sils Maria" that I watched just two days ago.

    "Song One" turns out to be a great bore. I wish I didn't bother watching it.