• Warning: Spoilers
    Ah, Remedy. It killed me to bid farewell to a well-written and well-cast Canadian television program. The drama/comedy gave me hope that there was a bright future for Canadian television. I went in thinking it'd be like Grey's Anatomy (not a fan), but came out pleasantly surprised and as a full fledged fan.

    Each episode was based on a true story, which I really appreciate. There's nothing better than when a TV show is relatable. Also, I feel that its family dynamic is responsible for the cult following. If you are not yet aware of the plot, Remedy follows a family that works in a big-city hospital (filmed in Toronto and Hamilton). You have the prodigal son who was lost, found, and then lost again in the downstairs of the hospital, while his two sisters and father work upstairs making and cleaning up messes of their own. It doesn't get realer than that.

    The show itself wasn't the only thing I loved. The social media team made a point of interacting with all of Remedy's viewers and fans. Each week they hosted a live-tweet. I cannot count how many times my tweets were favourited and retweeted. They are also very supportive of members of the press. As a host and writer who interviewed a couple of Remedy's cast members, I was connected with other writers and hosts via a #FollowFriday shoutout.

    It is very unfortunate that the show was cancelled after only 2 seasons. I hope that Global will reconsider its decision or that Remedy will relaunch digitally.