• Many experts are terming it as India's answer to Hollywood's 300. I believe it would be unfair to say that, both for Baahubali as well as 300. No doubt Baahubali has scaled up the expectations for upcoming flicks, but Indian Cinema is yet to reach Hollywood's level in action genre. By no way am I undermining the action sequences portrayed in the movie. That is great when compared to Indian movies but slightly behind Top notch Hollywood movies

    However what was best in the movie was Cinematography combined with the script. Even though fictional, the movie depicts a powerful picture of Ancient India and some of the scenes are nothing less than heavenly and some of the scenes (which are already revealed in the official trailers and posters, like Baahubali aka Prabhas mounting a 100 kg Shivling on his shoulders, a hand protecting a baby from the ferocious river and many more like these) give you nothing less than goosebumps.

    The romantic angle might have been slightly overplayed. Also typically South Indian movies project the heroes as nothing less than a superman which seems quite unrealistic. However in this movie, it seems more realistic given the genre. Many ancient Indian kings have been known to take on herd of bull elephants, lions bare handed. So the Extreme macho persona represented by both the protagonist and the antagonist is completely justified.

    In short, if you crib about Indian movies not being up to the mark, do watch this as the movie has raised the bar and if you love Indian movies, every reason to see this one.

    Awaiting the Concluding part which is due in 2016